Table of Contents

What Happened?

The Dam Has Broken


Help From the Other Side


Staying Anchored

Preach My Gospel

Joseph Smith's 200th Birthday

Joseph Smith's 200th Birthday (newspaper version)

The Gospel Purpose and Plan

Individual Worth

The Purpose of Meetings

Stranded on Earth

Lighting the World

Defining Moments

Listening for the Spirit


Are Latter-Day Saints Christian?

Temples and Temple Work

Creation Versus Chaos

Immersing Ourselves in the Scriptures

Josiah and Lehi—Contemporaries

Helps From Heaven

Me, a Shepherd in Israel

Doctrines Pertinent to the Plan of Salvation

What Lack I Yet?

Where Am I in this Picture?

Illusions of Greatness

What’s in a Name?

In the World but not of It

What’s the Value of the Holy Ghost?

Turning Up the Lights

Keep Your Covenants

If Not Me, Who?

William Tyndale

Invisibility and Other Protections

Making and Keeping Sacred Covenants

Carefree, Complacent and Comfortable

Rudeness Bites—Kindness Scores

Don’t Sell Yourself for Naught


Who’s Doing the Whispering?

Strait and Narrow

Triad of Truth

Walking in Darkness at Noon-day



Open Your Mouths

Restrictive Commandments


Prayer Balloons

The Atonement

Buffered or Buffeted

At the End of the Rope


Condon Castle

What Must I Jettison?

What Good Would That Do?

Here Am I; Send Me

Stiffnecked, Gainsaying, and Handicapped

Elijah and the Sealing Power

Revelation and the Temple

Afflictions or Blessings?

Parable of the Dead Arm

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

Principles of Horticulture

Speaking Tips

Unto What Were Ye Ordained?

The Sunshine is Back

Building Your Nest on a Straight Limb

Walking in His Shoes

One Thing About Satan

Hidden Treasures of Knowledge

Jesus and the Resurrection

Law of the Boomerang

David and Goliath

The Restoration