Categories: All Articles, Jesus, Music, That Ye May Learn Wisdom
By James E. Kerns
The guiding force for all the earth,
The light that governs each new birth,
Is centered in our Savior, alleluia.
The purpose for my time on earth,
The thing that gives my life its worth,
Is centered in my Savior, alleluia.
The purpose why His life was spent,
Grants me incentive to repent,
He redeems me wholly, alleluia.
I'll follow in the way He went,
For He alone was innocent,
He redeems me fully, alleluia.
He gave me life, He saves from death,
He gives me love, He gives me breath,
I'll praise His name forever, alleluia.
He seals me His, He saves from strife,
He promises eternal life,
I'll praise His name forever, alleluia.
He died for me, He took my sins,
Allows me to begin again,
He offers me the gift of exaltation.
He rose from death, revived His breath,
And gives to me the precious gift,
Of having an eternal resurrection.
Alleluia, to Him I'll sing,
For me He has done everything,
Alleluia, I can't refrain from crying.
Alleluia, my life is new,
Alleluia, He sees me through,
Alleluia, I'll try and keep on trying.
In late June 2022 I emerged from Deseret Book store in Boise, and found an Hispanic woman in the parking lot playing her violin and accompanied by an electronic devise. It was mesmerizing. It was beautiful. Her daughter sat beside her with a sign asking for help with the rent. As I watched, listened, and contributed, I surmised that the good people coming and going from that store probably paid their entire month's rent. They had discovered the premier spot in all of Boise for their performance. I asked the woman the name of the tune she was playing. She spoke no English, but said, “Alleluia.” Alleluia means, “Praise ye the Lord.” From Deseret Book we went to the temple. That haunting tune went through my head over and over and over again. It was begging for words. They came, there in the temple. This is my hymn of praise—my psalm.