Dementia Forebodings

27 March 2024

Serving as an ordinance worker in the temple was the best calling I ever had.  I served for a total of 10 years.  We served in both the Boise and Meridian Temples.  It became necessary for us to be released in 2021 when Marjorie went back to the temple as the COVID-19 closure was lifted, and discovered that her dementia had progressed to the point that she could not remember what she was supposed to do.  Among other things she had forgotten the veil ceremony.  By going to the temple weekly she has since regained most of the veil ceremony, but still needs some help at the veil.

I miss serving in the temple, but having been released turned out to be a blessing.  I was previously unable to do much temple work for my own family names since ordinance workers have to defer to patrons who come to the temple.  Now that we are patrons, we might get dozens of ordinances accomplished every time we go.

I am keeping track of the number of ordinances we accomplish this year.  We just completed the first quarter of the year.  In those three months we went to the temple 10 times and completed 197 ordinances for my family names.  That thrills me.

Less thrilling is watching Marjorie's mental abilities decrease.  Yesterday I gave her an envelope containing names for the initiatory ordinances that she was to do.  I'm careful to give her simple, concise instructions, and to not overload her mind.  I said, "Get dressed, take these to the initiatory coordinator, and meet me back here in the waiting room when you're done."

I had just completed the first of 11 initiatory ordinances that I would do when I was pulled out because my wife was looking for me.  I hadn't "given her a card."  I found her sitting in the waiting room dressed in white.  So far so good.  She was dressed, so all that was necessary was to remind her to go find the envelope and go to initiatory.  Everything went fine thereafter.

When I had completed my initiatory names I again found Marjorie waiting for me where we'd agreed to meet.  I informed her that we now had an appointment to do a sealing session.  She looked puzzled and could not initially remember what a sealing session was, despite the fact that we do one nearly every week.

When we had finished, and were leaving the temple, I noted that Marjorie didn't have the black bag that she carries her temple clothes in.  She had stuffed everything in the bottom of the long bag that holds her temple dress.  She couldn't remember having a black bag.  I told her to go back and look on top of the lockers.  She returned carrying the bag.


It's a good thing that I'm writing this because it reminds me that we both forgot to check for her missing temple packet when we got home that contains her temple robe.  When I announced that we were going to do sealings, I sent her back to get her packet.  She came back and said that it wasn't there.  She'd apparently left it somewhere the previous week.

We borrowed a packet from the temple.  When we were all done I showed Marjorie the folding table where she would take off her robe, and told her to put the borrowed packet in the holes in the table where the things to be laundered go.

Marjorie thought that she'd probably left her own packet home on our bed.  I just now asked her if she'd found it.  She returned carrying the borrowed packet, minus the veil, which she had dutifully put in the laundry hole.  I believe that we'll just keep this temple packet.  It'll be a trade.  We're told that the temple "has lots" of forgotten temple packets.  We'll go check to see if we recognize her temple packet among the many, but this one will do once we've replaced the missing veil.

What's going to become of us?  I'm confident that we're being watched over, and that all will be well.  I'm not worried.  Marjorie is still fun and happy, and I'm delighted to be able to care for her.  I'm praying for the privilege to outlive her so that I can take care of her.

Meanwhile summer is coming.  Ivy informed us that Joseph plans to work for Adam in Adam's irrigation business this summer.  Joseph will also apply for a job as a math teacher in the area if one opens up.

That means that the Waites might move in with us this summer on a temporary basis.  Temporary might turn out to be permanent.  That would be wonderful.

I expect Marjorie to lose the ability to cook this year.  She has trouble remembering what ingredients she has or hasn't added to the recipe.  I don't want her to quit cooking before she has to, but if Ivy moves in with us three months hence, the timing might be perfect.  I'm going to empty the north end of the house of everything but beds and dressers, and the Waite family would fit there nicely.