The Matter of Lineage

One's lineage has significance.  It is noteworthy that Jesus gave power to the twelve and sent them forth to preach and to heal, but "commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not.

"But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."  (Matthew 10:1, 5-6).

Up to the time that Jesus ordained the twelve, the Priesthood was withheld from all but male members of the tribe of Levi.  Until 1978 the Church was criticized for withholding the Priesthood from the Blacks, but historically the Priesthood could only be held by those limited few that were Levites.  White people, and even other Israelites, were denied the privilege of holding the Priesthood.  It is only in our day that the Priesthood has become available to every worthy male member of the Church.

There were exceptions, of course.  Prophets held the Priesthood anciently, be they of whatever tribe of Israel, or perhaps not even of the house of Israel at all.  Jethro held the Priesthood.  So did Lehi, as evidenced by the fact that he offered sacrifice.  (1 Nephi 5:9 and 7:22).  The Nephites had the Priesthood as well.  But it is only in this winding up scene that the Priesthood is being offered to every worthy man.

Anciently the gospel itself was not made available to everyone, either.  Jesus specifically instructed the twelve to not go to the Gentiles nor to the Samaritans.  The focus was on the house of Israel.  Israel was to be gathered.  That is still true today.  We are looking for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but since we can't tell an Israelite from a Gentile, we are to offer the ordinances of the gospel to everyone.

Withholding the gospel and the Priesthood from a people is neither prejudicial nor a cursing, but is rather a blessing.  When this knowledge and this privilege are offered to a people, they become responsible to accept and to follow what they're given.  If the Lord knows that they are not capable of being faithful to those blessings, He withholds them until they become capable.  People are not punished for not accepting something that they were never offered.  Punishments only come to those who reject, or are not faithful to, their blessings.

Jesus instructed the twelve to first take the gospel to the Jews.  The majority of them rejected it.

After the resurrection of Jesus the gospel was taken to the Gentiles.  It flourished among the Gentiles for a time, but they eventually apostatized.

The restoration of the gospel in our day is being done through the Gentiles.  It will be taken to the Jews later.  Thus is fulfilled Jesus' saying that "the last shall be first, and the first last."  (Matthew 20:16).

Lineage is important.  One's lineage has significance.

Why was I born a white American in the 20th century?  Why was I not born in China or Russia or Africa hundreds or thousands of years ago?  Why do I have the privilege of being a member of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, and of holding His Priesthood?

It's because of lineage, and because of who I was in pre-mortality.

I was one of the faithful ones.  I was a firm supporter of the Lord's plan.  I was sure that if given the chance, I would be a firm supporter of the Lord's plan in mortality.  The Lord thought so, too.  We both knew that I could do it.  I chose to come to earth as a member of the house of Israel.  I was placed in the tribe of Ephraim so that I could hold the Priesthood and be part of the gathering of Israel.

Ephraim is the tribe that was chosen by the Lord through which the gathering of Israel in the latter days would take place.  All of the other tribes will have to come to Ephraim to receive their ordinances and blessings.  Those Gentiles who are willing and worthy can become members of the house of Israel and also receive their blessings from Ephraim.  The Jews, by and large, have not yet been offered these blessings, but they will have to come to Ephraim, also.

It is a huge blessing to be an Ephraimite.  Most members of the Church are of the tribe of Ephraim.  Those who are not receive all the same blessings and opportunities as Ephraimites, however.

Ephraim is to lead.  Ephraim is to teach.  Ephraim is supplying the missionaries who are sifting the world for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  Many of those lost sheep will reject the gospel just like they did in the time of Jesus' ministry.  But the worthy and faithful will gladly embrace the good news that Ephraim offers, and the world will be prepared for the Lord's Second Coming.

There is still much work to be done.  An army of Ephraimites, with a sprinkling of a few others, is combing the earth looking for the lost sheep.  Shortly a big band of them will appear.  They will be the descendants of the lost tribes.  They will be anxious to do the temple work for their predecessors.  They will occupy our temples day and night.  Ephraim will administer the ordinances in their behalf.

It is a privilege to be an Ephraimite.  It is a privilege to be a member of the Church.  It is a privilege to hold the Lord's Priesthood.  It is a privilege to live in this day.

I chose these privileges.  Everyone is privileged to do the same.  We can each have all the blessings.