Availability of Scriptures Through the Ages

People Brass Plates Old Testament New Testament Book of Mormon Doctrine & Covenants Pearl of Great Price Records of Lost Tribes
Days of Noah              
Israel during Exodus              
Israel before Christ            
Jews today            
Nephites before Christ            
Nephites from 34 A .D .  -200 A .D .            
Nephites & Lamanites after 385 A .D .          
England and Europe before 1500 A .D .              
Africa before about 1900 A .D .              
China & India from beginning to present              
Gentiles—Europe, Americas, Islands from 1600 to present    ■  ■        
□ = Individuals possessed the scripture ■ = Scripture was available at the synagogue or church

The people in the days of Noah and the Children of Israel had no stability because they had no scriptures.

Are you any better off than them if you have the scriptures and don’t read them?

Look at the chart above and ask yourself, “Why me?”