Best Thing That’s Happened

I've been trying to work through a conundrum.  I'm trying to answer a question:  What's the best thing that's happened to me?  What's the best thing that's happened to you?

For my part I can't decide if my answer should be Marjorie, the Book of Mormon, or my baptism.

As a non-member young man I went to Provo to see Marjorie, a student at BYU.  She took me to church.  It was fast Sunday.  I was amazed.  There was a long line of BYU students, the same age as I, patiently awaiting their turn to bear their testimonies and to cry in front of that congregation of their peers.  As one would finish, two more would join the lineup so that they'd each be sure to get their turn to speak and to cry.

How weird was that?  They were all happy, and they were all shiny.  I was not.  My world was filled with troubles, and I was depressed.  What was with those strange young people?

After church Marjorie took me to the apartment that she shared with five other girls.  They were all there, plus the just-returned missionary boyfriend of one of them.  When he found that he was in the presence of a non-member he proceeded to show off his missionary skills by giving me the first discussion.  It was highly embarrassing to be put on the spot and to be grilled in front of those six girls.

But at the conclusion of that interminable grilling he turned to Marjorie and asked, “Do you have a Book of Mormon that you could give him?”

I can still see her as a spring launched her out of her chair.  She ran to her bedroom and came back with this book.

I was excited to have it.  I had no idea what was in it.  For a long time I had wanted to just see one, but no one had ever offered one to me.  I thought that it was perhaps a secret book that only the properly-initiated could have, so of course I couldn't ask for one.

When I opened the book and began to read, lights came on.  Lights came on in my mind, and lights came on in the world.  My troubles dissolved.  They simply melted away.  I discovered how to repent, I learned who Jesus Christ is and what He's done for me.  I came to know Him.  I learned that I have worth.  I found that I had a bright future.  I became happy.  I was baptized.  I received the gift of the Holy Ghost.  I was having prayers answered every day.

What's the best thing that's happened to me?

But for Marjorie there would have been no Book of Mormon for me.  Without the Book of Mormon there would have been no baptism.  Without my baptism there would have been no marriage to Marjorie.

Marjorie is the best thing that's happened to me.  So is the Book of Mormon.  So is my baptism, my membership in the Church, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the opportunity to repent.  I'm excited about my priesthood, my testimony, and my covenants.  These treasures are all mine eternally.  So is my family.  So are my relationships with my wife and with my Savior.

I talk to Him every day.  I use the Holy Ghost daily.  I have daily conversations with my wife.  I read the Book of Mormon daily.  These are all things that need daily attention.  They are my treasures.  They are eternal, and they are the best thing that's happened to me.