Birthday Callers–Poem

By Katherine Kerns Harken

To our family, I remember

Twins were born in late September.

Soon after that, one day in fall,

Mary-One-Goose came to call.

Brought her folks and every kid,

That's the way Crow Indians did.

Also brought her close friends too.

That's the way the Indians do.

Mary-One-Goose and her pa,

Helen-Walks-Much-Pretty's ma,

Arm-Around-His Neck and squaw,

Old-Red-Wolf and Little-Coyote,

Jennie-Bear-Grease and her Paiute,

And Six Kids who were a riot.

Indians liked our Mom and Dad.

We were "heap good friends," they said,

"Come, want see white babies new,

Medicine good, when come by two."

In they tramped in single file,

Stoic silence all the while.

Mary-One-Goose and her pa,

Helen-Walks-Much-Pretty's ma,

Arm-Around-His Neck and squaw,

Old-Red-Wolf and Little-Coyote,

Jennie-Bear-Grease and her Paiute,

Bashful kids tried to be quiet.

They tip-toed across the floor,

Followed Dad through bedroom door.

Mom was fast asleep in bed

With one arm above her head.

Tiny babes were sleeping near,

Blond and brunette, clean and dear,

One wee girl and one small boy,

Darling twins to bring us joy.

Indians silent, took a peep

At those infants sound asleep.

Mary-One-Goose and her pa,

Helen-Walks-Much-Pretty's ma,

Arm-Around-His Neck and squaw,

Old-Red-Wolf and Little-Coyote,

Jennie-Bear-Grease and her Paiute,

Big-eyed children, very quiet.

Taking turns, they'd look and look.

A good long half hour they took,

Quiet as a group at prayer.

Sleeping Mom was unaware.

At the foot of bed, each laid

Handiwork the squaws had made:

Moccasins, two tiny pair,

Necklaces, some clothes to wear,

Made of buckskin, trimmed with beads,

Two papoose boards she would need.

Then all left in single file

On each face a happy smile.

Mary-One-Goose and her pa,

Helen-Walks-Much-Pretty's ma,

Arm-Around-His Neck and squaw,

Old-Red-Wolf and Little-Coyote,

Jennie-Bear-Grease and her Paiute,

Six pleased youngsters, good and quiet.