Don’t Go There
At Lime, halfway between Baker and Ontario, there is a giant rock looming over the west side of the freeway. It is split in half by a great crack. When your car gets right under the rock, as you’re speeding by, for half a second you can see a flash of light through the crack. The two halves of the rock are separated by a space that just might be enough for a small person to wriggle through.
Read MoreSetting the Trap
Zeezrom set a trap to ensnare Amulek as Amulek preached to the people of Ammonihah. “Behold, here are six onties of silver,” Zeezrom said, “and all these will I give thee if thou wilt deny the existence of a supreme Being.”
Read MoreI Would Be Lowering My Standards
I was talking to a father while attending a stake conference. He was telling me about the pressures on his teenage daughter to follow the ways of the world, and how she had made the decision not to allow those pressures to influence her life.
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