Categories: All Articles, Faith, He Being Dead Yet Speaketh, Healing, Priesthood
Ellen’s Miracle
Last October my 15-year-old granddaughter, Ellen, came for her patriarchal blessing. She had just had several attacks where her heart raced. She thereafter rapidly became incapacitated. She developed terrific headaches, and lost the ability to walk. She became a hunched-over, wheelchair-bound old lady. She couldn't go to school.
This continued for month after month. Doctor after doctor failed to diagnose her problem. Medications and diets were recommended, but nothing helped. I prayed mightily for her. I kept her name on the temple prayer roll. I remembered Lorenzo Snow's experience in Italy when he went upon a mountain and prayed all day for permission to heal a dying boy. He obtained the permission, administered the blessing, and his work was thereby greatly accelerated in that Italian village. I longed to be able to go to the mountain and do the same in Ellen's behalf; but it was winter, the snow was deep, and I hadn't been invited to administer to her.
Last week Aaron invited me to accompany him and his stake youth on a 4-day handcart trek from Ladd Canyon to the Catherine Creek campground. I was also invited to give Ellen the blessing that I'd wanted so long to give her.
I declined the invitation to do the trek, having doubts about my stamina, but arranged to be at their house last Tuesday (27 June 2023) at 6:00 in the evening to administer the blessing. It would be the day before their handcart trek.
Marjorie and I went to the Columbia River Temple that day in preparation. Between us we did two endowments and 22 initiatory ordinances for my family. I prayed and enlisted the faith and prayers of those 24 people in Ellen's behalf. I'm satisfied that they fervently united their faith with ours in fervent prayer.
I was fasting. So were Ellen and her family and others, possibly including her uncles Danny and Adam.
The day before that, I had finally made my trip to the mountain to pray. I went up to Willow Creek. I prayed for a long time. Nothing happened. I sat and thought, and prayed again. No inspiration came. I finally told my Father in heaven that I would administer the blessing, and prayed that He would dictate the words.
On the walk back home, right in the middle of the field, a voice came into my mind. It said, “I've already told you that I would honor any blessing that you leave on a person's head.”
There was my answer! I didn't know if that meant that Ellen would be healed, however. It depended upon what the Lord would have me say in the blessing.
I asked Ellen if she believed that she could be healed. She responded, “Yes.” I reminded her that President Nelson had said, “Seek and expect miracles.”
Aaron anointed, and I sealed the anointing. The blessing stated that the purpose of Ellen's affliction was to teach her patience and faith and gratitude, and to make her a light to her family and acquaintances. Because of her patience and positivity and uncomplaining attitude, she would be blessed that her headaches would rapidly dissipate, and that she would be able to walk and to run.
Following supper Aaron and I went to look at his young orchard. I looked up and saw Calista and Ellen come around the front of the house. I said to Aaron, “Look at that!”
There was Ellen, as straight as could be, striding toward us with a big smile on her face. Her walk was normal. She had just told Calista, “It doesn't hurt!”
Aaron was aghast. He quickly summoned Tia who whipped out her camera to video Ellen. Seth was happily exclaiming, “The miracle happened!”
Ellen completed the trek, riding most of the way in the “chariot” Aaron made for her. He pulled her, but she also walked. The headaches are diminished or gone, and she is now working to rebuild her strength and muscle tone.