Enthusiastic and Valiant
On the way to the temple yesterday we passed the houses of all sorts of people. We passed the houses of enthusiastic members of the Church. We passed the houses of active, but nominal, members of the Church. We passed inactives. We passed a former member of the Church who desperately wants rebaptism, but whose health is so far preventing it. It’s anyone’s guess whether he’ll survive long enough to be rebaptized. We passed the houses of non-members of the Church, whose feelings about the Church range from very positive to great antagonism.
Of all those people, the happiest are those who are enthusiastic members of the Church. They’re the most fun to be around. You feel the best when you’re in their presence.
All of my children are enthusiastic members of the Church. I am grateful beyond words for that blessing.
All of the men and women with whom I serve as temple ordinance workers are enthusiastic members of the Church. They’re a major reason why I love that calling.
Many, or most, of the people who attend church each Sunday are enthusiastic members of the Church. That’s a major reason why I look forward to Sunday.
Having a strong testimony, serving in the Church, and being enthusiastic about the gospel is a huge blessing. Such people are motivated and animated by the gospel. In the scriptures the Lord doesn’t use the word “enthusiastic” to describe such people, but rather uses the word “valiant.”
Terrestrial people: “These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus.” (D&C 76:79).
Celestial people: “All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (D&C 121:29).
The difference between a mud puddle and a geyser is enthusiasm.
I passed many people yesterday who are just sitting there like mud puddles. They’re not progressing, nor are they helping others to progress. In stark contrast was the temple, which was full of geysers—every patron and every ordinance worker.