Father to Thee I Now Give

To be sung to the tune of hymn #99,

“Nearer Dear Savior to Thee”



Father, to Thee I now give

My life—help me to live,

As Thou would have me to be,

Living in all purity.

Help me Thy children to serve,

And Thy commandments observe,

Take all my weakness and fears away,

Help me Thy precepts obey.


Father, to Thee I now give,

My will—help me forgive,

Him who has brought me to harm,

Enfold me in Thy strong arm.

Help me forgive all his sin,

That he and I may come in,

Carry me safely o’er this deep gulf,

Help me forgive e’en myself.


Father, to Thee I now give

My thanks—accept my gift,

Thou to Whom all things belong,

To Thee I offer my soul.

All that I have is but Thine,

Only my soul can be mine,

Take it and caref’ly bring me to Thee,

To dwell there eternally.