Categories: All Articles, Gifts, Gratitude, My Heart is Brim with Joy, Prayer
Good morning, Father. I thank Thee for the gift of another day. I thank Thee, My Father, for the knowledge that I am Thy son. I thank Thee for my Savior who has given me so much.
I thank Him for the gift of repentance. I thank Him for His commandments. I thank Him for His Priesthood and for the trust He has put in me to enable me to hold it. I thank Him for His Atonement and the gift of the promise of resurrection and eternal life with Thee. I thank Thee for my covenants, and for the gift of my wife and righteous family. I thank Thee for the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide me. I thank Thee for my life, my health, my happiness, and my opportunities to serve Thy other children. I thank Thee for providing me with all the food, clothing, shelter, and comforts that I enjoy. All that I have is from Thee. Please help me to unselfishly share this bounty with my brothers and sisters.
I thank Thee for this beautiful earth, and for the beautiful sights and feelings that I enjoy. I thank Thee for the knowledge that if I keep Thy commandments and my covenants that I will be privileged to inherit a place on this earth in the eternities.
I thank Thee for the holy scriptures. I thank Thee for the ability to read them and to love them. I look forward to the fulfillment of Thy promise of more to come.
I thank Thee for this Church, its marvelous organization, and for the prophets, apostles, and leaders that Thou hast called to manage it under Thy Son’s direction.
I thank Thee for my Savior’s love. I love Him, and I love Thee. Truly, all that I have comes from Thee. I dedicate this day and my life to Thee. Please direct me, and use me to help Thy children.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.