Lost Key, Dead Fish

Josh Hollis and his wife were college students when his brother-in-law asked them to take care of the prize fish and coral that he had in an aquarium while they were gone on a trip.  He gave Josh the key to their apartment.

Josh promptly lost the key.  What was to be done?  The expensive fish and coral would die while the brother-in-law was away, and Josh would be responsible.

Josh reasoned that he had lost the key in the large yard at the brother-in-law's house.  The grass was long.  Finding the key would be impossible.

Josh rented a metal detector for $30.  He went over the entire lawn.  No luck.  He did it again and again and again.  No key.

Josh realized that he would never be able to find the key without help.  He prayed, and began the search with the metal detector again.  In less than five minutes Josh got a very faint signal from the metal detector.  He dug through the grass, finding nothing.  He began digging into the soil.  Buried in the dirt, he unearthed the key.  How it got so deep in the dirt, he didn't know.  Had he stepped on it, or had he found another key that was lost earlier?

Josh applied the key to the door, and it worked!  The fish were saved.

When all else fails, try prayer.  Maybe we should even try prayer before we've exhausted all the other options.`