Parable of the Lazy Hawk

A noble red-tailed hawk once sailed majestically through the skies surveying the sordid world below.  The skies, the air, sunlight, life, and freedom were his.  He ruled his realm.  He was happy.  He was free.  But his sharp eyes noticed a dead squirrel on the road below.  Normally he only ate fresh food; but succumbing to laziness, and giving no forethought, he lowered himself for a closer look, extended his talons, and seized the prey.  Alas, he’d landed right in front of a speeding truck.  The truck swerved, and by the narrowest of margins missed the foolish hawk who launched himself back into the air, a wiser bird, having this once been granted a second chance.

Application:  When we lower ourselves to sordidness, we risk becoming road kill.