Repentance—The Key

Samuel the Lamanite astutely observed that “all mankind, by the fall of Adam being cut off from the presence of the Lord, are considered as dead.”

From God's perspective, we are dead.  Did you know it?  Because of sin, and because no unclean thing can be in His presence, we are dead.

We are also in prison.  We are in prisons of our own making.  Our sins forge the fetters by which we're bound.

Despite the fact that we make our own prisons, and cause our own spiritual deaths, we are also in possession of the key that will both unlock the prison, from the inside, and restore us to life and God's presence.

The key is repentance.  It's a magical key.  It not only unlocks doors and restores life, but is also the key to peace of conscience, happiness, and joy—even eternal joy.

Repentance is one of several incomprehensible, supernal gifts given by our Lord Jesus Christ.  Others are the gift of the Holy Ghost, scriptures, the Priesthood, resurrection, and the promise of eternal life.

These are gifts beyond price, yet they are all free.  Repentance is the key that opens them all.

We are in possession of the key.  He is the most unwise of all men who doesn't use it.