
I have an appointment each morning with the rising of the sun.  I try to be in front of my big window as the sun slowly prepares to make its appearance.

Each morning is different.  Each morning is made different by the absence of, or the positioning of, the clouds.  With no clouds present, the clear eastern sky is a giant, horizontal rainbow with red rimming the mountain peaks, changing to orange above that, then yellow, green, then blue, and finally dark and almost black toward the zenith.

Other mornings are heavily overcast, and the sun is unable to shine through the cloud cover.  The sun's influence and presence only become obvious as the black of night gives way to light and visibility.

But some mornings are truly spectacular.  I want to wake everyone to come and see.  Knowing that they would perhaps not be appreciative, I run to get my camera instead.  I pity those who are sleeping through magnificence.  I can at least record an image of the best moments for them, though such images are inferior to the real thing.

A spectacular sunrise is dependent upon the positioning of clouds that I can't see on the other side of the horizon.  If they are sparse or lacking, then the rising sun is able to shine on the bottoms of the clouds on my side of the horizon.  The results can be thrilling, and make one grateful to be alive and awake.