Teenage Greatness

A three-year-old boy was playing with an awl in his father's harness shop when it slipped and penetrated his eye.  The resulting infection blinded him in both eyes.  The boy was French.  His name was Louis Braille.

Between the ages of 12 and 15 Braille completed a system that would enable blind persons to read and to write.  The system consisted of 64 cells with up to six raised dots in each cell.  The dots were arranged in two columns of three dots each.  Different combinations of dots represented different letters, numbers, and punctuation.

He published his invention in 1829.  The Braille system of reading and writing has since become the globally accepted code for those with visual impairments.

Across the ocean there was another boy, four years older than he, by the name of Joseph Smith.  At the age of 14 Joseph was visited by God the Father and Jesus Christ.  At the age of 17 Joseph began a four-year course of instruction by an angel named Moroni.  By the power of God he translated a book given to him by Moroni.  He published the translation as the Book of Mormon in 1830.

The book was named after Moroni's father, Mormon.  Mormon, at age 15, was appointed chief commander of his nation's army.  He was obviously capable of that high calling, but I suspect that what placed him in consideration for that post would be that his father was his predecessor as leader of the Nephite army.  We don't know that, but that is my theory.

The point is that Mormon was another teenager who would change the world.  Beginning at age 15 he was the leader of the Nephite army for most of his life.  He wrote the Book of Mormon.

Philo T. Farnsworth was a 14-year-old boy in Rigby, Idaho when he got the idea from the straight lines of a plowed field of how to invent television.  He is the father of television.

These teenagers changed the world.

Louis Braille gave us the Braille system of reading and writing which enabled the blind to communicate.

Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon and founded a church which will fill the world.

Mormon led a national army, and wrote a book which will change the world.

Philo T. Farnsworth invented television, which catapulted the world into huge technological breakthroughs.