Categories: All Articles, Excellence, He Being Dead Yet Speaketh
The Chosen Ones
In her third grade, Marjorie's principal, Mr. Schroder, began a square dance program. Marjorie loved elementary school because she got to square dance each day. For three years she got to square dance. She looked forward to school.
Mr. Schroder identified Marjorie from the beginning as the most promising, skilled, and interested square dancer. He called her over to him and said, "Marjorie, when I call your name I want you to run to me, because you're the one that I'm always going to call on." From that point on Marjorie was always Mr. Schroder's partner as he demonstrated new moves.
In my own third and fourth grades I was the one that my teacher, Mrs. Parker, chose to read to the class. The class was the combined third and fourth grades. Each afternoon there was an hour set aside for the whole class to participate in the reading of a book. They were exciting books of her choosing, and I must have been her best reader. I enjoyed the job, the class members all listened attentively, and Mrs. Parker had an hour in which she could do other things.