Categories: All Articles, Individual, Leadership, Missionary Work, My Heart is Brim with Joy
The Influence of a Missionary
I am sitting at my window looking down on the mile-wide channel below my house. The bay is glassy-calm. The 8:30 boat to Aore Island is nearing its destination on the other side of the channel directly across from me. Behind the boat is an ever-widening wake, the remnants of which reach clear back a mile to my right, and a mile to my left to the shores of my own island.
That boat is a missionary, leading the way to a goal and a destination. Its influence is following it, and is spreading, and will soon touch the shores all the way to Perol on my right, and to Banban on my left. The ripples that miss the coastlines will continue on out to the open sea at both ends of the channel. Who can tell where the influence of that individual will end?