Categories: All Articles, America, Government, That Ye May Learn Wisdom, Voting
The Lord Is In Charge
I found some comfort and pertinent counsel for our modern-day political conundrums in the ancient book of Daniel:
"The most high God rule(s) in the kingdom of men, and ... he appointeth over it whomsoever he will." (Daniel 5:21).
"The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will." (Daniel 4:25 and repeated in verse 32).
"The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men." (Daniel 4:17).
Four times in two chapters the Lord makes this point. He says it the first three times to that king of kings, Nebuchadnezzar. He then makes the same statement to Belshazzar, the son who succeeded Nebuchadnezzar, and deposes him that very night. Both of these kings were impressed with their own grandeur, and were made to know Who is really in charge.
This lesson would be well to remember in the current situations that the United States of America finds itself in. It applies also to China, Russia, North Korea, and every other nation of the world. The Lord can set up the "basest of men" to be our rulers. The footnote to the word "basest" in those Bible verses defines that word as "humblest;" but in the U.S. presidential election that just passed, I'm of the opinion that the dictionary definition is better. It says there that "basest" means "morally low, mean, vile, contemptible, counterfeit, corrupted." That fits both of the presidential contenders, and nearly all of the two dozen Democrats who originally vied for the nomination.
We can take comfort in the knowledge that the Lord is in charge, and that no matter what base man or ideology might prevail for a time, the Lord will use them to bring about his own ultimate purposes. I am very hopeful that the Republicans can keep control of the Senate so that the Senate will serve as a check and a balance against any extremes that the Democratic House and presidency might initiate; but be that as it may, all will be well in the end. Evil machinations or just plain idiocy cannot and will not ultimately prevail.
The Lord said so Himself.