The Psalm of James
O blessed man that I am!
Thou, O Lord, hast brought me from darkness unto light;
Yea, from thick darkness unto exceeding light.
Thou hast given me Thy Spirit to guide and direct my paths.
Thou hast given me power in Thy Priesthood.
Thy Priesthood is my Priesthood; Thou trustest me to act in Thy name.
Thou honorest mine acts, and dost ratify my blessings upon others.
Thou hearest my prayers, and hast made me the answer to the prayers of Thy children.
Thou hast given me work to do, and honorest me among my brethren.
Thou hast made me a partaker of Thy covenants which have been hidden from the world.
Thou hast given me Thy choice daughter to be my companion and helpmeet through
All eternity, and through her, hast given me posterity who will be righteous forever.
Thou hast magnified me in all my doings.
Thou hast fed me and sheltered me and given me increase.
My soul asks, why me?
What have I done that I should be so favored in the earth?
Thou hast withheld these blessings these many millennia.
Why hast Thou so honored me?
Thou hast given me scriptures and prophets, the Holy Ghost,
Repentance and covenants, understanding, prayer and revelation.
I am blessed above all the earth.
I will praise Thy name forever.
I will proclaim Thy name to all who will hear.
I love Thee, my God, and thank Thee for Thy Son
And for His unspeakable love and Atonement.
My heart is brim with joy.
—18 February 2012