The Tree of Life

To be sung to the tune of, “O Thou in Whose Presence”


Behold, in the field how the tree gives its light,                     (1 Ne. 8:9-10)

And bears fruit in every month;                                              (Rev. 22:2)

The beauty thereof is a joy to the sight,                                  (1 Ne. 11:8)

And represents God’s gift of love.                                         (1 Ne. 11:21-22)


He planted it there in the midst of the garden,                       (Gen. 2:9)

And bids all to come and partake;                                          (1 Ne. 8:15)

He offers it to all whose souls would be pardoned                (Isa. 55:7)

Through His grace and for His name’s sake.                          (Matt. 19:29)


What folly would cause one such love to refuse                    (Hel. 7:16-17)

The fruit that’s most white, sweet, and pure?                                    (Alma 32:42)

‘Tween  mis’ry and joy is each man left to choose,                (2 Ne. 2:27)

And which he is wont to endure.                                           (Mos. 2:38-41)


The fruit that’s most precious, desir’ble, and sweet,              (1 Ne. 8:11-12)

Is free to the taker thereof;                                                     (2 Ne. 9:50)

To him that o’ercometh will He give to eat,                           (Rev. 2:7)

The fruit of the Lord’s tree of life.                                         (Alma 32:41, 43)


To him that o’ercometh will He give to eat

The fruit of the Lord’s tree of life.







O, Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight                  12,

On Whom in affliction I go;                                                      8

My shadow by day, and my song in the night,                       12

My hope, my salvation, my all.                                                 8


Oh, why should I wander an alien from Thee,                        12

Or cry in the desert for bread;                                                   8

My foes shall rejoice when my sorrows they see,                   12

And smile at the tears I have shed.                                            8


Where dost thou dear shepherd resort with thy sheep,            11

To feed in the pastures above?                                                  8

Save why in the valley of death should I weep,                      12

Or lone in the wilderness rove?                                                 8


He looks, and ten thousands of angels rejoice,                        12

And myriads wait for His word;                                               8

He speaks, and eternity fills with His voice,                           12

Reechoes the praise of the Lord.                                               8