Thinning or Thriving

All my life I have been associated with, loved, and cared for 200 acres of trees.  It is a forest of pines, firs, larches, spruce, and aspens.  As a boy each day as I arrived home from school on the bus, I would quickly change my clothes, and head for the woods.  I knew every tree and every nook and cranny in our woods and on our farm.

As an adult it was my privilege to purchase those woods and that farm.  They provided our living.  It was my responsibility to care for them.  I did it lovingly, and with gratitude.  Those woods kept us warm with the eight cords of firewood that I cut annually from dead trees.  Those woods provided income when logging became necessary as the trees became mature and overgrown.  Those woods provided me with a place of peace, serenity, and refuge.

I loved my woods.  I managed them carefully.

It strikes me that those woods are much like my family.  My family also provides me with a place of peace, serenity, and refuge.  My family has required careful management just like my woods.  I wish that all people could feel and experience the same joy that I feel in my marriage and family.

Unfortunately the world is experiencing declining marriage rates and thinning family trees.  It’s a lamentable situation, and will surely lead to disaster.

Worldwide, forests are being cut down at an alarming rate.  Many aren’t being managed, but rather are being entirely removed with devastating consequences.

A properly managed forest leaves a canopy in place that provides cool shade, habitat for wildlife, moisture conservation, and which acts as a natural filter to remove pollutants from the air.  A properly managed forest is neither too thick nor too thin.  The goal is to have plant life, wildlife, air, water, and sun in as perfect balance as possible.

Families should be that way.  For some inexplicable reason people are listening to the whisperings of their adversary who is telling them that good is evil.  He tells them that marriage isn’t necessary, that children are a burden, that the world is overpopulated, and that happiness is only to be found in temporary pleasures and self fulfillment.  These are lies, and people believe them.

He tells them to forget about self management.  Slash and burn is the watchword.  Deforestation is the goal.  Life without children and without responsibilities and stress is the sought-for ideal.  Such philosophies can only create barren deserts and barren lives.

My family tree is alive, well-managed, and thriving.  Our children are carefully managing their own families, and are providing leadership, care, compassion, example, and help to everyone around them.  They’re a well-managed forest that is a pollution filter for the world around them while providing oxygen, shade, nourishment, and shelter for countless others.

While others are thinning their family trees I’m happy to see mine thriving.  The world is a better place because of happy, well-managed families.  The world needs all the good families it can get.