Thoughts about Janet
By Tom L. Kerns
Read at the funeral by Janet Irene Kerns
I like the idea of this service. It’s simple, and done by the family. I’d like to say something, too, but I don’t think I’d be up to it.
I was fortunate to find her! We’ve built a good family together. It’s been a privilege to live with Janet. We’ve had a good life. I thank God for that.
She had quite a high I.Q., much higher than mine. Rod looked up her I.Q. once at Oregon State and it was 145 or something like that.
She spoiled me. I depended on her for everything. She was very unselfish. Others always came first. Mom was terribly honest. She was also very Scotch, very frugal.
Janet was a great reader. She was always digging out something that interested me. She’d read the Oregonian clear through.
She never did panic about anything. Whenever anything happened she’d just take it and work through the situation.
I want to impress on the grandkids that they have real good inheritance there. She’s given them high ideals—something that will be passed on from generation to generation. After all, the most important thing is what comes after you—the kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. You can’t help but see the ideals and philosophies passed on down.
I think it’s very fitting that she be buried in the Rock Creek Cemetery. She didn’t like crowds, but she did like home. It’s fitting that she be buried there where her grandkids will drive by. I hope there’s Kerns kids here for a long, long time. It’s a good country.