Two Eyes—Two Viewpoints

Sitting in the living room in the early morning hours preparing my institute lesson, I glanced outside to watch the birds.  Two barn swallows swooped and dove through the air, and both landed on the power line that serves our house.  Between me and the birds was the post that supports the beam above our porch.  The power line on which the birds had landed was twenty or thirty feet beyond the post.

From my viewpoint one bird had landed one inch to the left of the post, and the other was one inch to the right.  It was a perfect balance.  With both of my eyes open, both birds were perfectly visible and in sharp focus.  But if I shut my left eye, the bird on the left disappeared behind the post.  If I shut my right eye, the bird on the right jumped behind the post.  If I shut one eye and moved my head slightly, both birds disappeared.

Both eyes were necessary for me to get a true perspective and to have a proper focus on what I was seeing.  Marriage and family life are like that.  It requires two to see things properly and in their true light.  Two eyes and two people and two blended viewpoints are always better than one.