Categories: All Articles, Converts, Faith, Joy, Life, Light, Repentance, That Ye May Learn Wisdom
What Would I Tell 12-Year-Old Me?
The title of this article is a question asked in the April 2021 general conference.
Twelve-year-old me was timid, shy, afraid, unsure, ignorant, full of self doubt, weighed down by sin, and unable to break free of habits; but desirous of being good, doing good, and of becoming better.
I would tell 12-year-old me that that desire would be the key. Good desires are inextricably wrapped up in hope. Hope is the precursor of faith. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only thing that has the power to move the mountains in our lives.
I would have told 12-year-old me to be patient, to learn from life and experiences, and to savor the moments because great things were coming. That boy doubted that he would ever be happy, but I would have assured him that in a short time his breath would be taken away by the unimaginable joy that he'd experience.
I'd tell him that it was necessary for him to emotionally descend to the bottom of darkness so that when the light came on he would be able to properly comprehend it. The light would be Jesus Christ. I would tell him that his deliverance was sure, and that he would gladly and gratefully spend the rest of his life in Christ's service. I would tell him that his coming to the Kerns family, his ignorance, his despair, his desires, and his rescue were all part of the plan that was worked out long before his birth.
I would give him every assurance that the first message that the Spirit would deliver to him would be the same one that would continue with him throughout his life, and beyond: that is that "Everything is going to be all right."
I would tell 74-year-old me the same thing. Not only is everything going to be all right, but everything is going to be unimaginably magnificent.
In less than a week our youngest child is going to be safely sealed to a spouse. Every one of his siblings will be with us in that sealing room. Marjorie's and my main purpose of mortality will be complete. All 10 of our children are on the path to exaltation. All of my direct ancestors have also been offered the same opportunities.
My 12-year-old desires to be good led to faith in Jesus Christ, which led to ordinances and covenants, which absolutely assure an eternity which is as unimaginable to 74-year-old me as was any thought of a happy life to 12-year-old me.
I couldn't be happier, and I'm excited to see what's ahead. Things just get better and better. Nothing is going to change. I will still be in the Lord's service, but it will then be coupled with a glory that I do not now possess.