Young Lions
When Jesus ministered in person to the Nephites it is of interest to me that He quoted numerous prophets. He had their words memorized. He didn’t have to read them. Their words were, in reality, His words. He originally inspired those prophets to write, and by His quoting them, He legitimized and approved their writings.
Jesus quoted Isaiah several times, including one entire chapter, and then issued a commandment that we should “search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.” (3 Ne. 23:1). That, to me, is one of the most difficult of commandments. I used to read entire chapters of Isaiah, and have no idea what he was talking about. I understand more and more as time goes on, but I doubt that much of what he wrote will be understood until it is fulfilled.
Jesus began His preaching to the Nephites by quoting Himself. Chapters 12, 13, and 14 are His Sermon on the Mount, just as He delivered it to the Jews.
Jesus quoted two chapters of Malachi, explaining that He was following the Father’s commandment in doing so, “for it was wisdom in him that they should be given unto future generations.” (3 Ne. 26:2). Not even a hundredth part of what Jesus taught the people ended up in our Book of Mormon, the prophet Mormon said (3 Ne. 26:6); but of that which he did include, fully one-third was put there for us, the future generations.
Jesus quoted the prophet Micah. (3 Ne. 21:12-18 quotes Micah 5:8-15). This is part of the information that is given for future generations. It is a prophecy that a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles “as a young lion among the flocks of sheep.” The unrepentant Gentiles are to be torn in pieces, their horses and chariots (cars) cut off, their cities thrown down, and their witchcrafts, graven images, and priestcrafts cut off. In those short chapters that report Jesus’ teachings, Jesus gives that warning three times. (3 Ne. 16:15; 20:16; 21:12-18). It’s a message that He wanted us to be sure to get. It’s a message that the historian Mormon also wanted us to be sure to get. Mormon gave us the warning three times in Jesus’ own words, and then repeated it a fourth time in his own writings later. (Mormon 5:24).
How will that prophecy be fulfilled? It’s not hard to see. Lehi’s children are now intermingled with the American people to the extent that our latest national census reveals that fully 1/6 of the U.S. population is Latino. A major part of the national debate leading up to the presidential election is the question of what to do about illegal immigration from Mexico.
Many of these people are good, hard-working people, and are needed here as workers. Many others are lawless, and are causing huge problems. Aaron’s friend and co-worker was here last week picking raspberries. He told me that he was grateful to be able to leave Yakima, Washington, where he grew up, and to be moving to Boise, Idaho because youthful Mexican gangs are taking over the Yakima area. These are the children of the immigrant workers who come there to pick fruit. The Interpath laboratory car that he drives was stolen there five times.
The young lions have already commenced their work.